According to a recent survey, almost one in five motorcycle owners are women.
When they imagine a woman on a motorcycle, many people might imagine her on the passenger seat, behind a male rider. However, that demographic is changing quickly and radically.
A recent study conducted by the Motorcycle Industry Council has reported that the trend of more women motorcycle riders is growing strong.
The survey shows that 19 percent of motorcycle owners are women, which is almost doubled since a 2009 survey that reported only 10 percent of riders were female.
The survey also reported that female riders are statistically younger, more educated, and they pay more attention to safety compared to their male counterparts.

Some interesting facts and information were included in the report. The average age of female riders is younger than men: 39 years old for the ladies versus 48 years old for the men.
The younger the demographic, the more female riders you will find. When it comes to Millennial riders, 26 percent of them are women, and 22 percent of Gen Xers who ride are female.
Around half of female bikers do their own maintenance on the road, and 47 percent of them have a college or postgraduate degree.

Women are also more attentive and safety-conscious than male bikers, with a reported 60 percent of women taking motorcycle safety courses compared to only 42 percent of men.
You might think that most of these women ride pretty little scooters. Well, not quite. According to a 2014 study, as much as 34 percent of female riders ride cruisers, and we all know cruisers are traditionally the manliest kind of a motorcycle. They are big and heavy, but the girls don’t seem to have a problem with that.
In fact, women don’t seem to have a problem with any sort of a big motorcycle.

A USA Today story on women that love riding their bikes says that ladies prefer classically styled modern bikes, such as the Ducati Scrambler or the Honda Rebel.
While there is no question about the motorcycle industry still being a male-dominant one, women on motorcycles are clearly becoming a standard, and that’s a wonderful thing.