
Experts are Urging Safety After Several Recent Crashes Involving Motorcycles

Six motorcycle riders were killed on Minnesota roads in just four days. The devastating statistics have urged a safety campaign.

As the weather gets warmer, we keep seeing more and more motorcycles on the roads and according to Bill Shaffer of the Minnesota Motorcycle Safety Center, the same problems happen every year, KIMT3 News reports.

Charlie Milligan used to be a safety director at Rochester Harley Davidson and he is well aware of the dangers. He urges riders to see the road – where “SEE” is an acronym for: Search, Evaluate, Execute.

Both Milligan and Shaffer agree it’s a two-way street, and everyone needs to be careful on the road. Being well aware with everything and everyone you share the road with saves lives.

Riders should always assume they’re invisible to drivers, and drivers should avoid all kinds of distractions (like cell phones) and focus on the road at all times.

Check out the video from KIMT3 News!