
Harley-Davidson Tallahassee Feeding Irma First Responders

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Harley-Davidson Tallahassee staff found a great way to give back to first responders and lineman following Irma.

The workers spent Monday through Friday afternoon grilling and serving hot dogs and hamburgers for first responders and lineman.

The director of marketing at Harley-Davidson Tallahassee, Melissa Hutchinson, said that lineman from as far as Louisiana stopped by and said this was the first meal they’ve eaten in days, apart from gas station food.

“It’s just a drop in the bucket in comparison to what they do for our great city, so anything we can give back to them is just a great, great, feeling,” said Hutchinson, wctv reports.

Check out the video report!

First responders will also be able to stop by the dealership for a catered barbecue lunch on September 20.

Source: wctv