HARTFORD — Should people be required to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle in Connecticut?
A hearing Wednesday discussed a bill proposing to reinstate Connecticut’s motorcycle helmet law. As it stands now, the law only requires riders under age 18 to wear helmets. For adults driving or riding as a passenger, it is their choice.
The Connecticut Motorcycle Riders Association is publicly against the bill and urging members to speak out against it. The group says “[Let] them know that the bill opposition is not anti-helmet, we are anti-HELMET LAWS!”
“It should be their right,” said Gary Tuccio of Shelton. “I’m not saying anything against a person who wears a helmet. It doesn’t work for me and I’ve never put myself in a position where I’ve needed it and I think people have to be responsible for their actions and too many people aren’t any more.”
Check out the video report from Fox 61.
Photo by Iain Farrell