When it comes to protective motorcycle gear, it’s mostly a matter of choice for each biker whether to wear it or not. Unless you live in a state that orders certain pieces of gear, your safety is in your own hands and deciding whether you want to be safe or not is completely up to each individual.
However, motorcycle-related fatalities are constantly hitting high numbers and the trend is on the rise – and not just in the country, but around the globe, too.
The right gear can sometimes mean a difference between life and death. It is very important for riders, and especially for newbies, to know how to protect themselves.
Here are a few essential pieces of gear every motorcycle rider should invest in:
Leather Gloves

You cannot and will not have fun riding unless you wear quality leather gloves. The breeze might feel amazing when you feel it in your knees or hair, but your hands won’t appreciate it.
Proper riding gloves will not only protect your hands from the wind, they will also protect you from losing your fingers or breaking bones in a case of an accident. In case you find gloves uncomfortable during the summer, you can find special ones that keep your hands cool.
Motorcycle Helmet

Let’s face it – there’s hardly anything better than riding with the wind in your hair, experiencing the full freedom life offers. Not all states have helmet laws so you can still experience the feeling.
But, helmets save lives. We’ve all seen it and heard of it a million times. Wearing a full-face helmet will protect your face and your brain. It will also stop bugs from hitting your eyes and your mouth.
Motorcycle Jacket
A leather motorcycle jacket will make you look cool everywhere you go, but that’s not the only reason to buy one. In fact, motorcycle jackets come in several different materials and it is probably best to have more than one.
That cool, full-leather, sexy jacket that makes everyone drool over you will be perfect for keeping you warm in the winter. During summer or spring, when it’s hot outside, you’ll probably feel better in a perforated leather jacket, or in one made out of ballistic mesh.
Motorcycle Boots

Just like the leather jacket, motorcycle boots have been fascinating bikers all over the world for decades. Not only do they look fantastic, they also play a significant role in protecting your feet in case of a crash. They provide you with traction. When shopping for motorcycle boots, always choose a pair that goes over the ankle. If you are on a budget, you can try working boots.
Some alternative motorcycle footwear is entering the market, too, such as the Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars motorcycle sneakers we talked about recently.
Motorcycle Pants

A pair of awesome jeans that make your behind look super-hot won’t be of much help if you get involved in a crash. Jeans are made of cotton, and cotton isn’t the strongest material out there. While quality jeans might offer some protection, you should know that no pants will protect your lower body better than ones made specifically for motorcycle riders, out of genuine leather.
Oh, and they make your behind look super-hot, too.
Most bikers have invested in the essentials and new riders should never get on a bike without protective gear. Dress for the slide, not the ride!
Photo by Bruno_Caimi