If you’ve read Five Things That Deserve a Motorcycle Round of Applause you must be thinking we’ve missed to mention some of the good stuff.
We all know there’s more than just five things, so here’s the rest of the list:
1. The true biker bar

When motorcycles became the latest craze some years ago, bar owners suddenly took notice and declared themselves the place for the then growing number of older bikers who happened to h
ave some disposable income. It wasn’t long before the calendar week was saturated with various bike nights, with many cities giving bikers three or four events in an evening to choose from.
The up and down economy as well as a more realistic enthusiasm for motorcycles and riding have corrected the craziness leaving riders to find a place to wet their whistle.
Understanding that everyone has their own opinion of what a bike night should look like, plenty of riders have experienced the disappointment of arriving at an event only to be greeted with two other motorcycles parked in front, the latest pop music playing inside and only the newest, trendiest beers available at the bar.
Since we are a tight knit community the word soon spreads about the bars that are more interested in your money rather than the fact that you ride. The ironic twist to be learned by bar-owners everywhere is that true biker bars tend to be an inexpensive place to hang out with your old, new and as yet undiscovered friends while you chow down that all types of food that’s eaten with your hands and obviously not good for you.
So congratulations to the bars that continue to be a meeting place for bikers to come hang out, talk motorcycles and enjoy the company of fellow riders.
2. Television shows that celebrate the passion of motorcycles instead of relying on stereotypes and gimmicks

When we were throwing around ideas for this edition of ‘10 things’, even the person who suggested this knew it was slightly controversial. But what the heck!
While we’re happy as bikers with this wide choice of shows it does tend to highlight the good and the bad of biker boob tube.
The classic Biker Build Off , a show that pits well-known motorcycle customizers against each other is more intense and pure edge of the seat entertainment compared to other reality shows following building hosts obviously playing up conflict, drama or even design difficulty just for the camera.
Even the documentaries about the same biker rally can differ in quality, some are genuinely interesting while others rely on stereotypes and sensationalism.
Not only is the motorcycle being ridden by more leading men in movies and television shows, the huge succes and long run of ‘Sons of Anarchy’ have legitimized motorcycle focused dramas.
So we give kudos to the motorcycle shows that respect the passion, and hosts that truly love to ride rather than the presenters that are there just to look good, or worse, sensationalize for ratings.
3. The Honest Mechanic
Whether it’s because they do good work for a fair price or are simply honest about what needs to be done without any ‘up-selling’, these guys are the unspoken heroes of riding.
Usually the Honest Mechanic is known by one name, which isn’t anything like the one given at birth of course. Across the country, the Pops, Slims and Tinys of the mechanical world don’t have to buy any advertising or even carry around business cards. No, their business comes from spending decades working out of the same shop with the same bunch of guys giving the same reliable service.
Sure things are becoming a little more challenging with ‘engine downloads’ and new EPA standards, but half the joy of going to the honest motorcycle mechanic is watching the ingenuity as they work around these corporately imposed obstacles.
Thank you for keeping the nations bikers on the road through our mechanical mishaps.
4. Girlfriends or wives who love to ride

We know, we know, this should either be number one or number ten depending on which is the top or bottom of the list.
Firstly, the lists are in no order of preference or importance. Either way, this is an important item that not only deserves a round of applause, but it should be given a stand ovation with enthusiastic whistles and high-fives.
Riding is simply a unique and incredible experience and most bikers want to share it with that special person in their lives. This is hard to do if that person is so scared or nervous about riding not only do they hurt your ears with concerns, complaints or general screams, but they draw blood as their nails dig into your side while hanging on.
But occasionally a biker’s better-half will actually enjoy riding. Some have even been known to get their own motorcycle!
It’s the biker with the most valued of accessories, the riding other half, who are the most envied in our two-wheeled world. Not just because they have fellow rider from the fairer sex, but having that someone special in their lives who understands and shares the passion riding has to offer.
Imagine what a true blessing it must be to look back or over at your partner in crime at the end of a long ride and have them ask to put down a few more miles before heading home.
5. Two wheels, an engine between the legs and an open road ahead
Forget chrome, paint jobs, accessories and touch button, instant performance analysis data, this is what all riders live and breathe for. The basics of some wind in the face, gas in the tank and miles of asphalt ahead.
As great as all the other stuff we could come up with is, including everything already written about, it’s all for nothing without an open road to ride. Non-riders find it hard to understand the feeling of not only hearing your engine, but feeling the vibrations run through the both the motorcycle as well as your body.
Styles may change, engines will undoubtedly become larger and the roads are sure to get more crowded, but the joy of riding will always appeal to the inner soul in every modern rebel just looking for that spark.
6. Riding with such generous biker buddies
Just as there are no roads long enough, there is no size to a bikers heart. Toy and poker runs, charity rides and anything to raise money for those in need are all the inclination riders need to jump into a saddle and help out.
Knowing that its the right thing to do and never thinking twice about lending some kind of helping or financial hand leaves all riders with a comforting thought. Knowing that other riders on the road will be there for one of their own in a time of need makes our road bound bonds just that much stronger.
A smile and tip of the skullcap goes to all the bikers who never pass up the chance, regardless of the weather or financial inconvenience to do the right thing.
7. Welcoming women into the riding world

We weren’t quite sure how to phrase this one. Whether to be thankful to all the bikers for letting women join the apparent boy’s club, or to the women from wanting to ride with the men and make everything that much more enjoyable.
Never has there been such a revolution so strongly seen as the fairer sex flocking to ride their own. You would be hard-pressed to find a sight to raise a smile from the most hardened biker as that of a woman coming in on her own motorcycle. Never asking for any favors and certainly bringing a welcomed breath of fresh air to any ride or event, the female rider is a valued part of the riding world.
(Via: clutch&chrome)