Two adventure bikers were swarmed by armed gunmen after they claimed to have discovered a secret back gate to infamous Area 51 in the Nevada desert.
In a YouTube video titled ‘Held at Gunpoint by Camo-dudes’, published yesterday, the intense helmet-recorded footage could have been pulled from cult TV show The X-Files.
After speeding along a dusty, dirt track, the two bikers pull up and stop between what appears to be two warning signs flanking the road.
Almost immediately they are confronted by an ominous, large white 4WD bearing down on them, headlights on and a large trail of dust billowing into the sky.

Two camouflage clad men stride from the vehicle, draw their weapons and begin to bark orders, telling the pair of renegade bikers to “put their f—ing hands up”.
Both men are frisked and interrogated.
“Listen, we’re gonna give you guys a chance to get on your bikes and get the f—out of here,” one of the armed men tells the bikers.
“That was the most gnarly thing I’ve ever been in,” one biker can be heard saying in the video, as he flees the traffic stop.
“That was crazy, he was so aggressive.”

The intensely secretive Area 51 has long been associated with UFOs and military conspiracy theories.
Many believe Area 51, which is part of a US Air Force facility, is host to crashed space craft from other planets and their alien being pilots.
“I don’t know how long [this video] will be up until the Gov’t (sic) makes us take it down,” wrote one of the men on their YouTube page.
Check out the video!